中秋佳节   分类:未分类 | 上传于: 2021-08-10 21:20:04

话 说 中 秋人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。 Men have sorrow and joy; they part or meet again; The moon is bright or dim and she may wax or wane. There has been nothing perfect since the olden days. 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 So let us wish that man will live long as he can! Though miles apart, we'll share the beauty she displays.中秋起源中秋节,中国传统节日,为每年农历八月十五,传说是为了纪念嫦娥。“中秋”一词,最早见于《周礼》。根据我国古代历法,一年有四季,每季三个月,被称为孟月、仲月、季月三部分,因为秋季的第二月叫仲秋,且又因农历八月十五日,在八月中旬,故称“中秋”。到了唐朝初年,中秋节才成为了固定的节日。lay out the fruits and dessertseat mooncakesadmire the
